Tag Archives: getting things done

Live in the Present & Enjoy Some Wasted Time

9 Mar

The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it. -Jim Goodwin

I’ve been running myself ragged lately and it finally caught up with me this past weekend. I went into the weekend with a hefty to-do list. I was ready to tackle all of my tasks and vigorously cross each one off my list. But when I woke up on Saturday, I could not seem to get myself going. I lounged lazily around my living room trying to force myself to get going on my to-do’s until finally I gave up and started reading a book I’d been meaning to start. I’ll just read for an hour and then I’ll get back to being productive, I told myself. Fast forward to Sunday afternoon and I had spent the majority of the weekend reading (I finished one book and had made a solid dent in a second). I’d crossed nothing off my list and I felt seriously guilty for wasting my weekend. Until I came across a great quote on Yes and Yes blog:

The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.

It’s so easy to fall into a whirlwind of a schedule. Telling yourself that it’s ok because it’s “good to be busy.” But when we start focusing on just getting things done, we lose focus on what’s really important. We lose sight of the simple pleasures in life. It’s important to slow down and recommit to what is truly important to you. What have you been sacrificing to live at a frantic pace? Take a deep breath, slow your pace and enjoy some “wasted” time.

What’s your favorite way to waste time?

Until Next Time,
